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Since 1993, Peter Watson's articles have served as a trusted source of insight for Canadians seeking to navigate the continuously evolving landscape of personal finance, offering invaluable recommendations for informed decision-making.

Baby Boomers – will they outlive their capital?

There is an alarming similarity between our congested highways and baby boomers traveling towards a financially uncomfortable retirement. Anyone who has commuted from Toronto to Oakville will know what I mean. The QEW highway heading west is congested causing you to slow down. Then the 427 dumps more traffic onto your route further reducing your … Baby Boomers – will they outlive their capital?

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Be proactive at protecting your personal information

There has been a serious breach of the privacy of 52,000 Canadians who have investment accounts with 32 investment dealers by the organization responsible for ensuring dealers safeguard your privacy. In mid-April the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) announced that a portable device containing personal information about 52,000 Canadians was lost in late … Be proactive at protecting your personal information

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Illegal tax sheltering affects all Canadians

Clamping down on tax cheats around the world might be the next round involving international co-operation. The reason is simple; most governments are underfunded and desperately need additional revenue. Historically governments have worked closely when their national interests are best served. This has happened in a concerted effort to fight the distribution of illegal drugs, … Illegal tax sheltering affects all Canadians

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Assessing investment risk – what tools to use

Today we’ll continue the discussion about investment risk. Our last column considered risk assessment surveys as one tool that can be used to assess the appropriate amount of risk that an investor should assume. We cautioned you that many risk assessment surveys might be misleading and recommended you consider several aspects of the risk. Also … Assessing investment risk – what tools to use

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Assessing your investment risk

Are risk assessment surveys useful or just a sales tool to motivate investors to complete a trade? Does the financial consumer benefit from these surveys or do they just provide a false sense of security? A Risk Assessment Survey asks questions that are meant to reveal how much investment risk a client should take. The … Assessing your investment risk

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Risk adjusted return

Today’s column is about an imaginary Oakville couple in their 50s who want to start planning for retirement. Now that the children are off to university it is time to focus on their golden years. They interview three investment advisors who outline their investment strategy. The investment return projections range from low, medium to high; … Risk adjusted return

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